Taking Ownership uses funding raised to hire general contractors and vendors to provide repairs, renovations, appliances and other home improvement services for Black homeowners. Our mission is to provide reparations to Black homeowners in the form of free home improvement and repair services to help create healthier homes in the Black community, alleviate financial burdens, and deflect the gentrification process by leaving them less vulnerable to predatory real estate and city government practices.
Black homeowners will be selected on a first come first serve basis that is dependent on the date and time they submitted a referral form via our website. Recipients will be eligible for services worth $5,000 - $30,000 depending on their income level and severity of their needs. Any award over $20,000 must be approved by the board of directors.
Household income is at or below 120% Area Median Income
If you’re unsure what the AMI is, view the Portland Housing Bureau chart here.
They live in the Portland metro area which is Multnomah, Clackamas, or Washington counties in Oregon.
The homeowner must fill out a contract service agreement.
They must provide the following documentation to be qualified for our services: most recent pay stubs or other sufficient income documents.
They must provide a document confirming they own the home.